Beginner's Classes returns in January!

This past Monday, November 27th, marked the end of another 10-week beginner program.

We had a blast exploring the basics (kihon) of Karate with our new students and look forward to seeing them in our regular Programing. Thank you to our senior students who provided guidance and encouragement this session! We are looking forward to seeing you join us again in the new year!

For those not familiar, our beginner program is a 10 week introduction that focuses on the basic movements in karate. It is designed for the children ages 8-10, as well as the graduates of our Young Tiger Program (and occasionally their parents). Its focus is to lay a solid foundation for our students so that they can progress into the regular programing with confidence.

The program runs on Mondays from 6:00pm- 6:45pm in 10 week sessions.

The next session will start January 8th!

Registration is open on the site or through the Zen planner app.

You can also reach out to us at or call 204-896-3354

to register or ask any questions!

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